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It’s MOVEMBER, guys - time to get you feeling fan-stache-tic!

Updated: Mar 31, 2023

We’re well on our way to the end of 2022, and while you may already feel caught up in the whirlwind of public Christmas decorations – it’s important we don’t forget that November holds a significance of its own! This month is the perfect excuse for men to put down their razors and grow the moustache or beard of their dreams – and in turn start important conversations around men’s health issues. That’s right gents, you finally have an excuse to rock that Clark Gable ‘stache without fear of derision 😉

What is Movember exactly?

It’s not just a fun facial-hair free-for-all, but a time to raise awareness (and funds!) for serious men’s health issues – including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. The Movember organisation prides itself on the fact that it is the only charity tackling men’s health on a global scale, all year round. Their core mission is to find, fund and invest in the most innovative men’s health research in order to reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25% in 2030. To date, they have funded over 1200 men’s health projects – the impact of which is felt around the world.

Why do men’s health issues need mo’ attention?

When it comes to men’s health, the statistics are quite alarming!

  • On average, the lifespan of a man is 6 years less than a woman.

  • Prostate cancer will affect 1 in every 9 men during his lifetime.

  • Testicular cancer is the most prevalent cancer in younger men – and while it is considered one of the more curable types of cancer, lack of proper awareness means that it can go undetected and ultimately prove fatal.

  • From a mental health perspective, 1 man dies by suicide every minute of every day.

These are statistics we have the power to greatly improve simply through raising awareness and supporting projects like those funded by the Movember organisation.

How does Movember work?

In simple terms: Grow a mo’ to save a bro! Start off clean shaven, and craft your mo’ throughout the month of November. It’s all about become a walking billboard for men’s health, and engaging in conversations about Movember. Every bit of awareness makes a significant difference – so challenge your friends, family and colleagues to join you!

Let’s get mo’-tivated!

Here are some ways to get into the Movember spirit:

  • Hold a workplace Gro-Your-Mo challenge, best moustache wins, and the losers donate to the Movember cause on the winner’s behalf! This money goes towards important research in the cancer and mental health fields – so really, we’re all winners here😉

  • Encourage the men in your life to go for a check-up with a medical professional this November. Remember: The average age of those affected by testicular cancer is 32. It’s never too early to be proactive!

  • Normalize encouraging men to share their feelings, and offer support to anyone you know who is struggling emotionally. As both men and women, it is our responsibility to dismantle the toxic masculine stereotype that men should be stoic in times of need. Reach out to those around you today. It could save a life!

  • Head to MOVEMBER to find out how else you can contribute.


At Sherbet Angel, we love supporting a good cause – and this one holds a special place in our hearts. In honour of Movember 2022, book any manscaping treatment over R500 and you’ll receive a FREE Sherbet Angel voucher worth R100 to spend on any in-Salon treatment of your choice! OR Book a 30 min gents back, neck and shoulder massage for R375 and receive a complimentary gents wash, cut and style worth R575.

We believe that looking good and feeling good go hand-in-hand, so we can’t wait to spoil you this month.

Remember, with great moustache comes great responsibility. Wear yours with pride this November. Ready, set, ‘MO!

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